The Backstory

Scripture Passage: Psalm 51:1-5, 15-17 Exegetes connect Psalms 51 and 32 with the story of David and Bathsheba. My glasses are fogging up thinking about telling the story again. Now I’m blushing! The Bible can be fun with Dick and Jane.

Sabbath Rest

Scripture Passage: Exodus 20:8-11 This commandment is the most obvious one to know if you are keeping it or not. The Jewish cultus was built around this commandment. Jesus found himself crucified because he was advocating tort reform. The people misunderstood Sabbath and we have never fully obeyed this commandment.


Scripture Passage: Genesis 22:1-8 This is an easy story to skip. It is a hard story to imagine. How could God demand one sacrifice the one upon whom all the hopes were built. Sacrificing your greatest hope and accomplishment.  We want to scream with Isaac, where is the lamb? Through tears God answers, “I’m sending a lamb.”


Scripture Passage: Genesis 1:1-5 The book of Genesis and the Bible begin with a very interesting Hebrew word. The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet begins the word. B in Hebrew sometimes has the implication of together. The Bible begins with the affirmation we need to hear...“Together in the beginning God created.” God always acts in concert...with us.

Time is Here and Gone

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 60:1-6 Contrast the year 2020 and what we’d hoped and planned with the Hebrews and how they ended up in captivity. Contrast 2020 with captivity and how the good news of going home was received. What is our hope for 2021? How will we live out the Wesley Covenant Prayer? Can we even pray it?