The Bible on the Shelf

Scripture Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10-16 We can load up for a battle over the Bible. How does one interpret it? Do some passages carry more weight than others? Have some expired? The more pointed question is not about using the book to debate but living as people of the book.

Put ‘Em On

Scripture Passage: Ephesians 6:10-17 When we read “Put ‘Em On” it meant football practice in pads began that day. Paul told the Ephesians (The Rustonians if you believe it to be an encyclical) to put on the armor of God and then told them to STAND THERE. We have a paradox, what could it mean?

The Gospel Goes Goyim

Scripture Passage: Acts 10:9-20 Acts has hinted that the gospel was about to go rogue. The 10th chapter is as dramatic as Acts 2 and the result of which opened the church to Gentiles. We are here because Peter was obedient to God. I wonder in your life, if you are the rock hitting the pond of faith that will ripple for centuries?

The Ascension

Scripture Passage: Acts 1:1-11 With Jesus’ departure the Apostles find themselves in a new relationship and role with their Savior. The confirmands enter the line of those filled with the Holy Spirit called to follow Jesus and serve him in the world.

Seeing Blind

Scripture Passage: John 9:1-7 John 9 is filled with irony for you literature buffs. Everyone in the 9th chapter is blind except for the blind man who sees clearly who Jesus was and is. Easter is a good time to talk about our ability to see, really see who Jesus is in our lives.


Scripture Passage: Matthew 1:1-11 The temptations of Jesus seem foreign to us. How many of us have ever been tempted in this manner. When we dig around the text we find out the temptations were all about keeping Jesus off of the cross. They were and are three temptations that are common and familiar to us human beings.