Traffic in Bethlehem

The quickest time machine to retrieve the past is the imagination. A fictitious radio station, WJER-Jerusalem, provides the vehicle to recapture and view some great Biblical events. Television, newspaper, video tape and audio tape, all being unavailable 2,000 years ago, causes us to use the medium of radio to “record” and re-create some great moments surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. The accounts are biblically oriented with dramatization provided. Other than a radio station’s report of events being the obvious embellishment, no historical biblical facts are altered. For verification, some scriptural references are provided. Complete biblical citations are not included, as many themes are familiar. Although many scholars…


New Life in the Graveyard

In this episode, we’re talking about the heavy topic of our own mortality, and how even though it seemed as though Jesus had failed, God got the last laugh. The paradox here is that in Jesus’ death, all of creation has new life available, through the power of the resurrection.


The Healing Power of Scars

For many of us, scars are often seen as a negative thing. Something that reminds us of past injury or trauma. But God will often use our scars to display His power to those in our lives, and to reveal his glory to others because of, not in spite of, our past.


From Creation to Foolishness

On this episode of the podcast we discuss the idea of foolishness, and how what we see as wisdom, God sees as foolishness and vice versa. The conversation is full of seeming contradiction, but God’s wisdom far outweighs ours we see how God takes our way of thinking and flips it upside down to reveal an even more powerful display of his grace and mercy.


Does God Surprise You?

In this episode we dive into some of the surprising ways God fulfills his promises, drawing parallels between biblical narratives and our own lives. From Abram and Sarai all the way to the resurrection of Jesus, and still today, God often has a way of making himself known, often in ways we would never expect.


Christmas Day

December 25: Read Isaiah 53 NLT Christmas Day has arrived at last! Where has your faith journey taken you this Advent season? To a better understanding of God? A deeper relationship with Jesus? Perhaps a new call to action to further the Kingdom of God? Hopefully to all of these things and more! Let us share one last journey to bring better focus to this day. During the Napoleonic wars of the early 19th century in Europe, Napoleon, Emperor of France, was making war on Austria. A certain Austrian town came under interest, and he wanted to capture it. As the town had no strong defense forces guarding…


Christmas Eve

Every family or individual has traditions they look forward to renewing on Christmas Eve. When I was younger and my family gathered at my grandparents’ home, I would find time to go into the room where the Christmas tree was located and sit in the chair next to the tree. It was simply a time for me to be with God. I would be grateful for God’s gift of Jesus and the gift of family. As I sat in the glow of the lights of that beautiful tree, I let God’s light of love wash over me and I just let myself “be” with God. You may be…



December 23: Read Luke 2:8-11 NLT Christmas is about God’s love for us through Jesus. His birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection is not just ordinary news, and not even good news, but great news that brings great joy to all people. How will this news spread to all? Through us, Jesus’ followers. We must do our part in sharing the gospel. Christmas would not be complete without singing “Joy to the World.” The first line of each of the 4 verses is what we need to proclaim to the world: Joy to the world, the Lord is come.Joy to the world, the Savior reigns.No more let sin and…