Easter Earthquake

During the Lenten season Trinity invites you to join us in exploring the Easter Earthquake: How Resurrection Shakes Our World by shifting our assumptions about ourselves and God. We will have daily devotionals books for $10 starting on Ash Wednesday and our small groups and Sunday School Classes are encouraged to explore these devotionals during their meeting times as well.


Abide Women’s Worship Night

Join us for Abide, a night just for women to gather for worship, teaching, prayer, and fellowship. Don’t miss our upcoming service featuring Melanie Morgan’s testimony on January 28th at 5 p.m. in the Trinity Center. Bring a friend and share in this impactful gathering.


Estate Planning 101: How to keep your kids from fighting when you’re not around to holler at them

Expert Attorney Addison Goff IV will guide you through essential long-term planning for wills, trusts, power of attorney, and basic estate planning, ensuring you and your family are well-prepared for the future. This invaluable event is absolutely free and we encourage people of all ages to attend. Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 5pm in the Trinity Fellowship Hall


The Family Table

 Mark your calendars now and join us Sunday, February 4 from 5pm to 6:45 pm for family worship night. We invite our church family to gather at the table to experience a family-style meal (provided by the church) at 5pm followed by a unique, authentic and laid-back time of worship at 5:45 pm. Still around the table, our children, youth, and adults will participate in worship together. There will be a testimony shared by Luke & Katy Madden suitable for all ages and a time of table discussion at the end. Childcare will be provided throughout the evening for those ages 5 and under.


21 Days of Prayer

As a new year begins, we want to embrace and be challenged to keep our eyes upon Jesus. To do so we invite our whole church to join together in 21 days of prayer. We highly encourage you to consider joining us every weekday morning in the Trinity Center at 6am for guided worship and prayer. We will be done promptly at 7am. On Saturdays we will meet at 9am, and Sundays will be focused on community worship through our regular worship services. We know God desires a community of “Pray-ers” and we want to be a church that is focused on bringing our hearts to the Lord…


College and Young Adult Sunday School

Calling all college students and young adults under the age of 30! If you’re looking for a welcoming community and engaging discussions, we invite you to join our Sunday School class as we explore 1st Corinthians. We meet every Sunday at 10 in room 232. And don’t forget to check out TNT (Thursday Night Trinity) in the youth area on Thursday nights. It’s an opportunity to add a bit of fun to your week. Feel free to bring a friend along and join us for these gatherings. We look forward to having you in our Sunday School class and at TNT this week. Hope to see you there!


Community Outreach

Ruston Elementary School: This is our Adopt-A-School partner and we have fun ways to connect with teachers and students throughout the year! On August 20 pick up the name of a faculty member to pray for during the school year. Give $12 towards Birthday Boxes and ensure every child who might not get a cake for their birthday receives one. Gift Cards are needed for once monthly faculty meetings. Sign up to help provide $10 gift cards and snacks. The Well: Opportunities abound with this community center in Ruston. Specifically, we want to work with them on supporting local foster care families. Delivering Back Packs: In partnership with…