December 1: Read Luke 1:26-38 NLT 

For a Christian to hear the name “Mary” recalls this wonderful person whom God chose to bring His son into the world. There have been all kinds of words spoken and written about Mary, as well as many images created of her. Mary’s reaction to the angel’s message sets an example that we should follow. Perhaps it is the most important response anyone can give God.

The same angel, Gabriel, who appeared to Zechariah, also appeared to Mary. After hearing the message, Mary responds, ‘How can this happen? I am a virgin.’ Unlike Zechariah, who, despite being a priest, doubted God’s message, Mary isn’t doubting but asking for an explanation of how it would happen. Gabriel’s answer was, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.’ He then proceeds to explain that her baby will be holy and called ‘the Son of God.’ He also informs her that her long barren cousin, Elizabeth, is pregnant, proving that Mary’s pregnancy, just like Elizabeth’s, will be an example of God’s creative power, and that nothing is impossible, and there are no boundaries with God.

Mary’s response to God is pure faith and obedience. Some of the greatest words ever spoken are from Mary: “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” Zechariah’s first response was doubt, but Mary’s response was faith that led to obedience. 

Mary’s response should be our response when God calls us to follow Him: faith and obedience. Through prayer, worship, and Bible study, our faith is built, and obedience is joyful.

Prayer: Oh God, thank you for Mary. Lead me to respond in faith and obedience to the messages you send to me.

Reflection Questions

Mary’s response to the message from the angel is one we should follow. She responded with “How will this be?” Then later she says “I am the Lord’s servant.” How are you responding to God this advent season? 

After all, he sent Jesus, his one and only Son, just for you. Are you going to respond with, “How will this be?  I am your servant. May your word be fulfilled”? Or will you be like Zechariah and doubt the message from God? 

Faith leads to praise and doubt leads to silence. 

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