Every family or individual has traditions they look forward to renewing on Christmas Eve. When I was younger and my family gathered at my grandparents’ home, I would find time to go into the room where the Christmas tree was located and sit in the chair next to the tree. It was simply a time for me to be with God. I would be grateful for God’s gift of Jesus and the gift of family. As I sat in the glow of the lights of that beautiful tree, I let God’s light of love wash over me and I just let myself “be” with God.
You may be part of other Christmas Eve traditions. Some people trim the tree that night, others open gifts, some drive around and look at Christmas decorations, many attend church services, and others do acts of service that night to illustrate God’s care for everyone. Some do a combination of the above. Whatever your tradition on Christmas Eve and even Christmas Day, make Jesus the center of it all.
Let everyone know that Christmas lights remind us that Jesus is the light of the world, exchanging gifts is to remind us of the Magi who brought gifts to Jesus and that Jesus gives us the greatest gift. Attending church services is very fitting, as Jesus needs to be worshiped by His believers, and acts of service to others in love witnesses to the Savior’s care for us all.
Regardless of how we spend Christmas Eve, we all need to be sure we keep “Jesus as the reason for the season.”
Prayer: God and Father of all, let my traditions open me up to the real meaning of Christmas.