The Gift of Faith
AndThe same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit gives healing.
1 Corinthians 12:9
It carries the notion of confidence, certainty, trust, and assurance in the object of faith. The gift of faith is rooted in one’s saving faith in Christ and the trust that comes through a close relationship with the Savior. Those with this gift have a trust and confidence in God that allows them to live boldly for Him and manifest that faith in mighty ways.
Areas to serve
Faith Friends Senior Adult
Prayer Team
Kairos Prison Ministry
Epiphany Prison Ministry
Sewing Ministry Retreats
Plan Weekend of the Cross
Major Youth Events
Communion Delivery Team
Vacation Bible School
Shepherd for Senior Adults
Bulletin Delivery Team
Ushers Greeters
Sunday Refreshments
Distribute Visitor Gifts
Visitor Follow-Up
Guest Information Table