The Gift of Evangelism
But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.
2 Timothy 4:5
Evangelists are given the unique ability by the Holy Spirit to clearly and effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others. They are burdened in their hearts for the lost and will go out of their way to share the truth with them. Evangelists are able to overcome the normal fear of rejection and engage non-believers in meaningful conversations about Je- sus. Their gift allows them to communicate with all types of people and therefore they receive a greater response to the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. They continually seek out relationships with those who don’t know Jesus and are open to the lead- ing of the Holy Spirit to approach different people. They love giving free treasure away for Jesus, and it brings them great joy knowing that the “feet that bring good news” are beautiful to those who believe.
Areas to serve
Faith Friends Senior Adult
Vacation Bible School Greeters
Distribute Visitor Gifts
Visitor Follow-Up
Guest Information Table
Confirmation Teacher
Kairos Prison Ministry
Epiphany Prison Ministry
Weekend of the Cross
Serve Day Projects
Mission Trips
Christmas Help for Local Families
Blood Drive Helper
Christian Community Action
Angel Tree
Treats from Trinity
Food Bank Distribution
Ruston Elementary Partner
Lunch On Us Emergency Shelter Team
Meals for DART and Foster Families
Faith and Finance Ally