We are a community of women who long to know Jesus, His Word, and His Way and to live that out in everything we do. We gather on Wednesdays to explore God’s Word, fellowship, and commune with Him and other followers of Jesus. We would love for you to join us. The group will be practicing the Way over the next few months. Led by Lindsay Heard this study is at 6pm in Room 223. We read through Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer in the fall, and now we are going to put into practice what we learned about the Way of Jesus in our daily, individual lives and as a group. Even if you were not a part of the study in the fall, please join us for this special time to dive deeper into each practice and actually put into practice the Way of Jesus. Each month we will focus on one or more of the spiritual practices of Jesus: prayer, fasting, sabbath, scripture, solitude, generosity, hospitality, service, and community.  

January- 21 Days of Prayer

February- Practicing PRAYER

  • Prayer Journaling (February 5)
  • Praying Scripture over your family and home (February 12)
  • Breath as Prayer and Praying Scripture (February 19)
  • Praying the Names of God (February 26) 

March-Practicing FASTING,  and SABBATH

April-Practicing SCRIPTURE and SOLITUDE