Today we talk about the Psalms and Proverbs. Of all the books of the bible, these two stand out as significantly different from the rest of the canon. Not only should we read them differently, but the way we apply them to our lives is different.
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Debra Young
OK … I’m a week late on this one, but because you asked us to share our favorite Psalms, AND because you made the point that the Psalms were designed to be put to music, I thought I’d share mine … even though it is a bit late.
The Psalm I’m most drawn to is Psalm 100. It’s a short but powerful praise Psalm. And although those attributes should be enough, it’s actually my favorite Psalm because it is the first Psalm I memorized … because it was set to music. My high school choir (back when it was still ok to sing religious songs in school) sang a beautiful version of Psalm 100. To this day, I still occasionally find myself praising God by singing that Psalm. Very powerful!