Being Invited into the Kingdom of God
March 22, 2022In this episode, we cover parables that have a slightly different purpose than the previous episode. What we see here are beautiful invitations to be a part of the Kingdom of God. #reachwider Follow us online – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts: Podcasts: Podbean: Spotify: Amazon:
Looking for Miracles
March 22, 2022Does God still do miracles today? Are we looking for and expecting miracles? Have we become so self-sufficient that we feel like we don’t need miracles in our lives? In this episode we discuss several of Jesus’ miracles that are recorded in scripture and wrestle with the purpose behind the specific miracles, and how we can begin looking for the movement of God in our own lives. Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to
Living in to the Miracles
March 30, 2022In this episode, we talk about another set of miracles recorded in the New Testament. With each encounter, the person for whom Jesus does the miracles takes action. The blind man washes his eyes. The paralytic gets up. The demon possessed man shares his story. The woman bleeding and Jairus both sought out Jesus. Even Lazarus had to stand up and walk out of the grave. How are you taking action to live in to the miracles that Jesus has done and is doing in your life? Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to Subscribe to the podcast:Apple…
What’s the Right Way to Pray?
April 5, 2022For the follower of Christ, it’s clear that prayer is important, but why is it important? What does it mean to live a life of prayer. Does prayer mean that you’re asking for God to do what you want, or is prayer asking God to show you what he wants for you? Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts: Podcasts: Podbean: Spotify: Amazon:
Though Lessons from Jesus
April 13, 2022We have the benefit of reading Jesus’ words with a hindsight view. Many of the things that Jesus said and taught were not only difficult to understand, but they flew in the face of everything that culture dictated. Not that we have it easy. Many of these “hard sayings” of Jesus are just as hard for us to grasp and practice today as they were in the first century. Follow us online – Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts: Podcasts: Podbean: Spotify: Amazon:
The Crucifixion of Jesus
April 15, 2022The Crucifixion of Jesus is by far the darkest moment in human history from the Christians perspective. How do we approach the idea that Jesus’ death on the cross is what brought about hope for all of humanity. Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts: Podcasts: Podbean: Spotify: Amazon:
The Resurrection of Jesus
April 27, 2022The resurrection of Jesus is often discussed, debated, and disputed. When we step back and look objectively at the facts and historical events surrounding the resurrection, we find that it’s not only plausible, but probable that the events happened the way they were recorded in scripture. But what does it all mean for us today? Do we live day-to-day like we follow a risen savior? Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to
The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent
May 3, 2022The first three chapters of the Book of the Revelation covers 7 letters to 7 churches. Jesus doesn’t pull any punches, laying out the good, if there is any; the bad, which they all have; and the indifference that rears its ugly head in more than one of the churches. If we’re honest with ourselves, we can find bits of all of these harsh statements in our local churches. Follow us online – Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to
The Second Coming of Jesus
May 11, 2022The Second Coming of Jesus
Who is Jesus to You?
May 18, 2022Who is Jesus to You? Over the years, many different people have made many claims about who Jesus is. Let’s look through the scriptures and find out for ourselves who Jesus is to us. Join us in the Holy Land – Do you have questions for us? Send an email to
When God doesn’t answer your prayers the right way
July 4, 2022Prayer is an important part of the spiritual life, but as Christians, prayer takes on an even deeper meaning in our lives. We are invited into a relationship with the God of the universe through the practice of prayer. It can take many different forms, but the heart of prayer is a life that is submitting, listening, and talking to God, regardless of your present circumstances. On this episode I talk with two amazing women who have had their prayer lives evolve over the course of their lives into a central aspect of the faith in Jesus, even when it seems that God isn’t listening to their prayers.
What is Prayer, and how do I do it?
July 11, 2022There are many ideas about what prayer is, and how best to go about it. What does the Bible tell us about prayer? Is there a right way and wrong way to pray? What should we be praying for? What do I do if I don’t know what to say? We’ve got some practical ideas to help you with these questions.