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Youth (10)

Men’s Beast Feast

Men’s Beast Feast: This isn’t your average BBQ. It’s a chance to hang out, eat like kings, and throw down whatever meat you’ve got. Burgers, steaks, ribs—if it sizzles, it’s fair gam...

Lunch & Games

The next senior adult Lunch & Games is Friday, March 7 at 11:30am in Fellowship Hall. If you prefer not to play games, just stay and visit. Lunch is free. Please RSVP by March 5 by calling the chu...

Gather 25

The global church gathering together like never before. Every continent. Every denomination. Together across 25 hours. February 28, 7:00 p.m. to March 1, 8:00 p.m. Trinity will simulcast Gather 25 in...

Cookies & Conversation

Trinity Youth invite our Senior Adults to a time of good conversation over desserts. The youth will host in the youth area February 23 at 3:30pm. We look forward to getting to know each other a little...

Youth Six Flags Trip

Students are invited to join us on Saturday February 22 for a day of fun and adventure at Six Flags. The cost is $100 per student. We will meet at the church at 7:30 a.m. and return around midnight.

Women of the Word

We are a community of women who long to know Jesus, His Word, and His Way and to live that out in everything we do. We gather on Wednesdays to explore God’s Word, fellowship, and commune with Him and...

Hand-Me-Downs Opportunity

We are collecting gently used household items for newly arrived international students at La Tech, who sometimes struggle to furnish their dorm rooms and apartments. We are accepting pots, pans, kitch...

Weekly Youth Events

All students in grades 6th – 12th are invited to attend the following youth events happening in the youth area during the week of November 17: Sunday School 10 AM, Sunday Night Youth 5-7 PM, Wed...

A New Hymnal for a New Day

The first major Wesleyan Hymnal in thirty years! We have purchased new hymnals for our worship spaces and you can fund one in memory or in honor of someone special today. Each hymnal is $30.00.

Helping Hands Ministry

We want to help the older adults of our church with household chores like changing light bulbs, minor repairs, etc. If you would like to volunteer please sign up by filling out the full form with what...