A Mother’s Journey

December 2: Read Luke2:19; 41-51 NLT As a mother, I often wonder how Mary could so gracefully journey this road the Lord has led her on. While her physical journey to motherhood and the journey to Bethlehem as a nine-month pregnant woman must have had their challenges, what I wonder more about is her spiritual journey. For nine months, did she ponder the words of the angel? Did she try to break them apart and decipher the future meaning of them? Did she struggle with the words of God as she thought about the potential future for her child? The Bible doesn’t record much about Jesus’ childhood and…


Mary’s Response

December 1: Read Luke 1:26-38 NLT  For a Christian to hear the name “Mary” recalls this wonderful person whom God chose to bring His son into the world. There have been all kinds of words spoken and written about Mary, as well as many images created of her. Mary’s reaction to the angel’s message sets an example that we should follow. Perhaps it is the most important response anyone can give God. The same angel, Gabriel, who appeared to Zechariah, also appeared to Mary. After hearing the message, Mary responds, ‘How can this happen? I am a virgin.’ Unlike Zechariah, who, despite being a priest, doubted God’s message,…


Elizabeth’s Journey

November 30: Read Luke 1:5-7; 23-25 Elizabeth’s personal journey of pain and loss is not the first we have heard in the biblical story. In the first chapter of the book of Samuel, we read a similar story. Hannah was ashamed by not having conceived a child, so she prayed to the Lord to give her a son. In return, she would dedicate him to the Lord’s service. God answered that prayer, and Samuel, one of the great prophets, was born. The Lord is about to show up in Elizabeth’s journey too! What seemed impossible and hopeless to Elizabeth, was possible and hope-filled to God. God would meet…


Zechariah’s Journey

One day, while performing his priestly duty of burning incense at the altar in the temple, an angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah and delivered some good news that Elizabeth would bring forth a son and he would be named John.


Preparing Our Hearts

November 28: Read 1 Peter 1:13 As we dive into our Advent journey, there is one very important thing we need to do first: prepare our hearts. For many, the time of Advent is about preparing our homes for the season. Many of us will get a tree for our home—whether it’s one we cut down, buy at the store, or even an artificial tree stored in the attic. We will put the tree up, hang lights, place ornaments, and, finally, put the topper on the tree. Besides the tree, you may put out nativity scenes, get your yard Santa out, put lights up around your house, and…


God Is the Story

November 27: Read Luke 1:26-30 NLT The Christmas story is full of wonderful and interesting characters, such as Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph, the Wise Men, Herod, the shepherds, the angels, and even the Star of Bethlehem. To Christians around the world these characters are so well known that they may know the story of each character by heart.  Yet, who is the main character of this story and thus of this journey? For myself, Joseph has always interested me. His faith, goodness, and obedience are an inspiration. Who most interests you each year when you once again read these familiar stories? But is Joseph or some…


The Journey Begins

We all remember trips we took at Christmas time, such as traveling to our grandparents’ houses, to aunts and uncles,  close friends, or back to our parents to spend the holidays with them. I’m sure if we think about it there are many cherished memories made.  The Christmas story is full of journeys. Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem, then later to Egypt, still later to Israel, and finally settled long-term in Nazareth. Wise men (kings or Magi) traveled from the east to see this newborn king and offer gifts to him. Also, shepherds traveled, although only a short distance, to see the baby the angels announced to…


Does daily prayer make a difference?

Some times it’s hard to know if our prayer life makes a difference. In this episode, I sat down with Ashley and Jason King, and we discussed how their commitment to consistent, daily prayer has impacted their family, and how important a role it plays in their daily lives.  Cool Manly Journal – https://a.co/d/140Azsv Do you have questions for us? Send an email to askgoingdeeper@gmail.com.